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Example presentations using Beamer

Beamer is a LaTeX class to produce presentations. It behaves similarly to other LaTeX packages like Prosper, but has the advantage that it works together directly with pdflatex and with dvips.

The beamer class has several useful features: You don't need any external programs to use it other than pdflatex or dvips. You can easily and intuitively create sophisticated overlays. Finally, you can easily change the whole slide theme or only parts of it. (You can readily experiment with different themes and colour schemes on any given Beamer document.)

This page contains links to examples of using Beamer together with LyX. Feel free to add more examples!


Note: The figures are not included with the lyx source, see the PDF-file for how the actual result.
Note: Since all the eye-candy in the Warsaw theme can be very distracting for the audience, here's a beamer arrangement for a presentation with a very simple structure (just Frame titles or their absence, and Frame content). In this document you do not have a ToC. It is (1) a simple, yet stylish beamer presentation, (2) suited for jotting a couple of slides, without needing the overhead of a document structure and (3) the first page can be readily removed. The attached document is a hacked version of the template shipped with LyX, using a (slightly customized) Boadilla theme and the LM Sans font. The file was created using LyX 2.0 RC3.
Note: Same theme as above, but now you have an outline (ToC). The document structure is never displayed on the actual slides, only on the Outline at the beginning and in front of each section/subsection.
Note: From my experience of following Beamer (and specifically Warsaw theme) slides, it is very distracting to have both document structure and titles displayed on the same frame, since in the heat of the presentation you (the audience) don't really know where to focus. This template uses a proper document structure, but no frame titles. It is based on the Darmstadt theme, which can be seen as a more compact version of Warsaw. (On second thoughts, this arrangement isn't so very simple, more of a scaled down version of Warsaw.)
Note: This is a very small portion of a multi-hour statistics tutorial. It illustrates the use of the TiKZ package to draw and dynamically reveal figures. This version uses a standard Beamer theme; the original uses a customized theme including school-specific logos and color scheme.
Note: Describes some features that makes LyX good for writing documents in general, including math capabilities. Demonstrates beamer presentation, including a tikz animation of a breadth-first search. Also demonstrates music engraving by interfacing to lilypond. Finally, source code documentation with automatic syntax highlighting. To compile this, you also need the LyX logo file from the top of this page.


From Jeremy C. Reed:

I found LyX examples in the lyx/examples/, solutions/conference-talks,
solutions/generic-talks and solutions/short-talks directories in the
latex-beamer-3.01 tarball.

From Rich Drewes (LyxUsersPost:21607)

> Does anyone have any simple lyx examples for beamer to share?

I just completed my thesis defense using a Lyx-generated LaTex-Beamer
presentation not 20 minutes ago!  Here is the lyx doc:

which generates this lovely pdf:

I don't claim that my Lyx usage of Beamer is anything great.  But it
looked nice and it worked (I got my MS :).  My committee advisor asked me
what I used to generate the presentation, since he thought it looked so
nice and like the integrated outlining.

Note that I haven't included the figures that the Lyx doc needs to
generate the .pdf.  You can look at the .pdf to see what the whole thing
looked like.

Also, there is a sample Lyx/Beamer presentation in the Beamer
distribution.  Look for


From samar singh:

 This presentation for an R & D proposal depicts a lyx based beamer file
but with   plenty of ERT to produce the effects shown. View with PDFlatex on
your Lyx menu and view the exported PDF file with Adobe's Reader. Not sure if there is not a
 better way of doing it with less ERT. It seems the bkgrnd file downloads
as bkgrnd.jpeg. Please rename this to bkgrnd.jpg

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