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Make the LyX version number visible

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  1.   1.  Relabel the [Help] button

1.  Relabel the [Help] button

Sometimes it is convenient to have the LyX version number visible, e.g., when two different versions of LyX are open at the same time, as can happen when testing an alpha or beta release of a new version. A simple way to make the LyX version number visible is to change the label on the [Help] button in the menu bar by adding the version number to it.

To do this go to the ui subdirectory in the Resources directory of your LyX distribution (on a Windows machine, for LyX 2.2.3, probably C:\Program Files (x86)\LyX 2.2\Resources\ui) and copy the file to the ui folder in your personal LyX directory (on a Windows machine, for LyX 2.2.3, something like C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\LyX2.2\ui). Now open the copy in a text editor.

Near the start of the file you will find the word Menubar followed by a list of Submenus. The last on the list is Submenu "Help|H" "help". If you are using version 2.2.3 of LyX, change that to

Submenu "Help 2.2.3|H" "help"

Save the changed file. Next time you start this version of LyX the version number will be visible, displayed on the [Help 2.2.3] button of the menubar.

Customization Version number

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Page last modified on 2017-05-25 23:37 UTC