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Categories: Development, GSoC 2011
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Template for LyX Summer of Code 2011 Students' applications

Summer of Code 2011 - Student Application Template

Please use this template for your student application. If you have any questions, ask on the developers mailing list (

Table of contents (hide)

  1.   1.  You
  2.   2.  Your Coding Skills
  3.   3.  You and LyX
  4.   4.  Your Project
  5.   5.  Your Schedule

1.  You

  • Name
  • University / current enrollment
  • Contact details: your email, your timezone, IRC nick (if any), your blog (if any).
  • Short bio / overview of your background
  • Subscribe to the LyX developers mailing list and introduce yourself (send a message to to subscribe)
You should provide all the information listed above, but we are not looking for a simple list.  

Sell yourself! Get across your enthusiasm for the project. Tell us what makes you stand out from the rest of the crowd. Talk about your past experiences, what makes you tick. Why are you interested in open source software, and Lyx in particular? What interests do you have, and how do these interests relate to the project for which you're applying? There is a basic assumption that people applying for Summer of Code will have at least some programming skills already. So rather than spend a lot of time elaborating on these (though by all means, do tell us what you know), spend time talking about you.

2.  Your Coding Skills

In your application let us know

  • What platform do you use to code? Hardware specifications and operating system
  • Did you ever code in C++? what is your experience?
  • Have you used the QT toolkit before?
  • If you apply for a project on our ideas list, have you experience in the areas listed under "Knowledge prerequisite"?

3.  You and LyX

  • Were you involved in LyX development? What was your contribution?
  • Were you involved in other Open Source development projects in the past? which, when and in what role?
  • Set your platform to build a Subversion snapshot of the current state of LyX (see for SVN access. If you use Git, there is a link for Git setup on the same page)

4.  Your Project

  • What do you want to achieve?
  • If you have chosen an idea from our list, why did you choose this specific idea?
  • If you are proposing a project of your own, what is unique about it?
  • What makes you suited to carry the project?
  • Do you have other obligations from late May to early August (school, work, vacation, etc.)? Please note that we expect the Summer of Code to be a full-time, 40-hr a week occupation. It is important to be clear and upfront about other commitments that you may have during that time.

It is very important you discuss your idea with some established LyX developers. If your idea duplicates existing efforts or code (and does not provide a very convincing reason for doing so), it will be rejected. Try to have your application reviewed by someone before you submit it, whether that be the mentor for a particular project itself (in the case of already generated ideas on the ideas page), or a person with expertise in a certain area (such as (La)TeX, QT, XHTML, etc.) Don't be afraid to ask us. We want you to succeed just as much as you do!

5.  Your Schedule

  • Please provide a schedule of how this time will be spent on subtasks of the project. Try to divide your project's final goal into small subgoals that can be accomplished in a 2-week period. Ask on the developers' list for advice if you are unsure about your time estimates or your subgoals. While this schedule is only preliminary, you will be required to provide a detailed plan later at the beginning of GSoC and during the project you will issue weekly progress reports against that plan.

Category: Development, GSoC 2011

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Page last modified on 2011-04-15 16:23 UTC