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<< | Page list | >> Help about uploading filesThis page is out of date. Uploading via ftp is not possible anymore. The only way how to put stuff into upload section is via git repository -- OUTDATED: Files should be uploaded using FTP to Note:
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1. Related links
2. PasswordsUploading a file requires that you specify a username ( Unfortunately spam etc has been uploaded when the password was published here. 3. FTP softwareUse a regular FTP client to upload files.
Most *nix system already have FTP clients.
On Windows you can use e.g. WinSCP, but remember to set the protocol to Using a browser as FTP client can work but is not guaranteed to work. For instance, at the time of writing this it works in Chrome but not in Opera. 4. How to upload a fileUse an FTP client and login at ftp://lyxftp@lyx.org. You will arrive at the root of the "uploads" area. Then use the FTP client to navigate to the directory in which you wish to upload the file(s), or optionally create a new directory. Finally you upload the files... 5. How to link to an uploaded file from a wiki pageAll uploaded files are stored under a directory called
uploads/Site/aboutUploading/anUploadedFile.txt should be done using this markup: uploads:/Site/aboutUploading/anUploadedFile.txt Please avoid linking to files by writing the URI explicitly when editing a wiki page. Instead, use
the prefix Please also verify that links you create work properly, i.e. click on them to see that they work and that they point to the correct file (in case you accidentally made a spelling error). 6. Where should I store a file, i.e. what path?You can store files anywhere in the Note that lower case was used for the first letter to separate it from the name of this page. In this case, the file can thus be found at this location: uploads:/Site/aboutUploading/anUploadedFile.txt In some cases, e.g. when several files belong together but the topic is still general, it even makes sense to use an additional subdirectory. Here is an example: You have several files that make up a tutorial for using LyX that you want to upload. Now, tutorials are listed on the page LyX.Tutorials, so for a single file, myTutorial.pdf, a reasonable path would be uploads/LyX/tutorials/myTutorial.pdf . In your case however, it makes more sense to upload your files to a new subdirectory, for instance: uploads/LyX/tutorials/myTutorial/ .
Also see the page about adding material. 6.1 Creating a subdirectoryLet's say you are uploading files for an example and you therefore want to create a new subdirectory under uploads:/Examples/. Here is how you can do it:
7. Allowed file typesMost file types may be uploaded. If you have problems uploading a file and suspect this to be a problem, ask about it on the developer's list. 8. Allowed file sizesThe size of a file that can be uploaded is currently not limited. Please refrain from uploading large files. 9. Uploading large filesThe FTP client should not have any restrictions on the file size. 10. Manually uploading files — only for developersThe FTP client should not have any restrictions on the file size. If done using [chr@aussie.lyx.org ~]$ cd /home/lyx/www/wiki.lyx.org/uploads; ls -ld Windows/ drwxrwsr-x 10 ftp apache 4096 12 jul 23.44 Windows notice the sticky group bit "s". Here's the correct permissions for a file -rwxrwxr-x 1 ftp apache 57917 15 apr 22.00 Windows/lyxwin.png
10.1 Creating a directory with correct permissionsThe FTP client should work well for creating directories. 10.2 Verifying the permissionsWhenever you have manually fiddled with uploaded files, please verify that
you have not changed ownership improperly by executing the following commands
on cd /home/lyx/www/wiki.lyx.org find uploads -not -type l -not -user ftp -exec ls -ld {} \; find uploads -not -type l -not -group apache -exec ls -ld {} \; 11. General tips
Q: What format should I use for an archive? On Unix/Linux,
My (Christian) conclusion is that
bzip2 wins. Anyway, my recommendation is that you should try to use bzip2 for archives. For a single document, PDF is probably more convenient for normal users.