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Notes about the LyX file format. For now this page just embeds development/FORMAT
1. development/FORMAT
LyX file-format changes
Please keep the entries informative enough, i.e. try to indicate what
changes happened in particular if possible. A good example would be
2010-01-10 entry.
2025-02-28 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 634: Support for colortbl
1. New buffer parmams:
* \table_bordercolor => \arrayrulecolor{}
* \table_alt_row_colors_start (1),
* \table_odd_row_color (2),
* \table_even_row_color (3)
=> \rowcolors{<1>}{}{}
2. New table params:
a.) features:
* borderColor="" => \arrayrulecolor{}
* startAltRowColors="" (1)
* oddRowsColor="" (2)
* evenRowsColor="" (3)
=> \rowcolors{<1>}{}{}
b.) cell: color= => \cellcolor{}
c.) row:
* color= (1)
* colorleftoverhang= (2)
* colorrightoverhang= (3)
=> \cellcolor{}[<2>][<3>]
d.) column:
* color= (1)
* colorleftoverhang= (2)
* colorrightoverhang= (3)
=> >{\rowcolor{}[<2>][<3>]}
2025-02-22 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 633:
1. \fontcolor, \backgroundcolor, \notefontcolor"
and \boxbgcolor now take a lyxcolor as a (string) value, no longer
a color hexname.
2. The framecolor and backgroundcolor parameter of InsetBox can
take all supported latexcolors and cusom colors as argument.
2025-02-20 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 632:
1. Add support for xcolor named colors in text style.
See latexcolors for supported colors and their names (which are all
lowercased in the LyX file).
2. Add support for custom colors which will be accessible in the
char style dialog:
\customcolor name hexvalue
hexvalue is without preceding '#'
2024-09-29 Thibaut Cuvelier
* Format incremented to 631: Add support for MathML versions, which
are stored separately for DocBook and XHTML (\docbook_mathml_version,
which is new, and \html_math_output, which receives a new value).
2024-08-25 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 630: Add support for a number of languages in
babel and polyglossia:
Polyglossia: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, Kurdish (Sorani),
Latin (Classic), Latin (Ecclesiastic), Latin (Medieval), N'ko, Odia, Punjabi, and Uyghur
Babel: Amharic, Armenian, Asturian, Bengali, Church Slavonic, Coptic, Divehi,
Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Kurdish (Sorani), Lao, Latin (Classic), Latin (Ecclesiastic),
Latin (Medieval), Malayalam, Marathi, N'ko, Occitan, Odia, Punjabi,
Russian (Petrine orthography), Sanskrit, Syriac, Tamil, Telugu, Tibetan, Urdu,
and Uyghur
2024-08-23 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 629: Add support for language options
New buffer params \language_options_babel and
These are simply removed on document reversion.
2024-08-21 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 628: Add support for nomentbl-style
nomencl insets:
New buffer param \nomencl_options which holds a comma-separated
list of options (of the nomencl package).
2024-08-12 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 627: Transform nomenclature inset to
2024-07-21 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 626: Support for manuel longest label in
\printnomencl (via new param option set_width "textwidth").
In LaTeX, this will be output as
before \printnomencl, which we will revert to ERT.
2024-07-11 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 625: Support for \nptextcite (biblatex-apa)
and \autocite*/\Autocite* (biblatex-mla).
We will revert new commands to ERT where necessary.
2024-07-09 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 624: Add biblatex-chicago cite engine.
We will revert new commands to ERT where necessary.
2024-06-11 Udi Fogiel
* Format incremented to 623: Remove hebrew letter document class.
Old documents will be mapped to regular letter document class.
2024-06-01 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 622: Allow glue length (skip) in parskip setting.
2024-05-13 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 621: Escape some special chars (#, %, \) in URL
with hyperref. Previous to this change, the user had to escape this
2023-09-29 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 620: Add InsetBox "default" framecolor ("foreground"
rather than "black" in GUI). This aligns better with dark mode.
2023-09-06 Richard Kimberly Heck
* Format incremented to 619: New document header \use_formatted_ref
for workarea display purposes only.
2023-08-01 Udi Fogiel
* Format incremented to 618: Hebrew quote style
New buffer param \quotes_style hebrew
\begin_inset Quotes d{l,r}{d,s}
2023-07-20 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 617: Update covington support in linguistics module:
- Support enviroment option of example and examples
- Support angular item argument of examples and subexamples (this shifts item
argument structure)
- Support new optional arguments of \digloss and \trigloss (this shifts argument
- Support \expreamble, \subexpreamble \expostamble, \subexpostamble macros
2023-06-11 Enrico Forestieri
* Format incremented to 616: Do not output LaTeX for a macro if the LaTeX part is empty
- This allows the user to define the LyX display for LaTeX commands
that are already defined (e.g., in user preamble or a package).
- No substantive change to file format. Format change just in case someone defined a
math macro with an empty LaTeX field. In that case, lyx2lyx adds {} to the LaTeX
part on conversion and removes the macro altogether on reversion.
2023-04-02 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 615: Unifiy spelling of "acknowledgment" styles
(using US spelling throughout)
2022-12-25 Richard Kimberly Heck
* Format incremented to 614: New "Other" type for hyperlinks
2022-12-11 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 613: Support \\fonts_default_family for non-TeX fonts.
2022-12-04 Daniel Ramöller
* Format incremented to 612: Implement support for starred crossref commands (with
hyperref) which suppress links:
- \begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand {ref,pageref,vref,vpageref,eqref,nameref}
nolink "true"
=> \*{}
2022-11-27 Yuriy Skalko
* Format incremented to 611: Implement "semantic linefeeds" after punctuation marks.
Dummy format change for now.
2022-10-29 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 610: InsetIndexMacros and new IndexInset params:
- \begin_inset IndexMacro [see|seealso|subentry|sortkey], relating to
\index... -- see
\index... -- seealso
\index{...!subentry} -- subentry
\index{sortkey@...} -- sortkey
see and see also are mutually exclusive
- \begin_inset Index
range start -- \index...
range end -- \index...
pageformat cmd -- \index...
pageformat and see[also] are mutually exclusive.
2022-02-11 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 609: \\begin_metadata ... \\end_metadata buffer param.
This takes a list of keyvals for the new \\DocumentMetadata command
(introduced in LaTeX 06/2022) which must be output at the very begin
of the document (before \\documentclass).
2021-03-23 Thibaut Cuvelier
* Format incremented to 608: DocBook MathML-namespace prefix with the
\docbook_mathml_prefix buffer parameter (enumerated value:
MathMLNameSpacePrefix). Only common values for the prefix are proposed
to the user, instead of a free-form field, for simplicity.
2021-03-06 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 607: \\spellchecker_ignore buffer param.
2021-01-28 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 606: Support KOMA \frontispiece.
2021-01-22 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 605: Extended variable table cell support.
- Multicolumn now supports multiple paragraphs in non-fixed-width context.
- Multicolumn now supports valign in non-fixed-width context.
- varwidth columns now properly align horizontally and vertically.
2021-01-19 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 604: Branch colors now take two values:
\color lightmode darkmode
2021-01-18 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 603: New InsetGraphics param darkModeSensitive
This advises LyX to revert colors in dark mode.
2021-01-17 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 602: Allow semantic branch colors
\color can now also take lyx names besides hexnames.
2021-01-05 Richard Kimberly Heck
* Format incremented to 601: Add refstyle support for mathed
Use 'formatted' in the LyX file to indicate formatted references,
rather than the previous 'refstyle'
2020-12-02 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 600: Hungarian quote style
New buffer param \quotes_style hungarian
\begin_inset Quotes h{l,r}{d,s}
2020-10-10 Pavel Sanda
* Format incremented to 599: Add inset for \nopagebreak macro (part of InseNewPage now).
2020-07-14 Thibaut Cuvelier
* Format incremented to 598: DocBook can export to HTML and CALS tables, with the parameter
\docbook_table_output (0: HTML, only choice previously; CALS: 1).
2020-03-13 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 597: Support for the libertinus family of fonts (text and math).
2020-06-28 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 596: use package parskip to separate paragraphs with vertical space.
Additional \\paragraph_separation header values: halfline, fullline
2020-06-26 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 595: Add support for \medspace and \thickspace (in text):
InsetSpace \\medspace{}
InsetSpace \\thickspace{}
2020-05-02: Richard Kimberly Heck
* Format incremented to 594: New counter inset: CommandInset counter.
2020-03-13 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 593: Buffer param \maintain_unincluded_children is not longer a bool
(true|false) but has three states: "no" (formerly "false"), "strict" (formerly "true") and
"mostly" (a new intermediate state).
2020-01-11 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 592: Add tabular column/row tag changed="[added|deleted] id time"
which tracks whether a whole row/column has been inserted/deleted in ct.
2020-01-10 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 591: Add buffer param \postpone_fragile_content
(option to toggle the movement of labels and stuff of moving arguments).
2019-12-24 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 590: Add native changebar solution via buffer param
2019-08-14 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 589: Height now is totalheight in graphics.
2019-08-12 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 588:
- Support \theendnotes of endnotes package via a faked float list.
- Support enotez package via enotez and foottoenotez modules.
2019-08-07 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 587: Use more generic paper names as LyX names
(rather than LaTeXisms; e.g., "a4" rather than "a4paper").
2019-08-07 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 586: Allow for duplicate keys in qualified citation lists
2019-08-06 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 585:
- Add more page sizes to KOMA and memoir.
- Add more font sizes to KOMA.
2019-07-26 Joel Kulesza
* Format incremented to 584: support for revision InsetInfo addition of
revision-abbrev. This entry is added to accommodate git abbreviated
2019-07-17 Kornel Benko
Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 583: Support for the Chivo and CrimsonPro font families.
2019-07-15 Kornel Benko
Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 582: Support for the Cantarell and Fira fonts.
2019-07-14 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 581: split osf options to rm, sf, and tt
\font_osf => \font_roman_osf, \font_sans_osf, \font_typewriter_osf
2019-07-11 Uwe Stöhr
Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 580: support for document font options
New buffer parameters
- \fonts_roman_opts
- \fonts_sans_opts
- \fonts_typewriter_opts
2019-07-11 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 579: Add support for \babelfont.
2019-06-23 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 578: Add support for Discourse Representation Structures
in the Linguistics module (using drs package).
2019-06-04 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 577: Rework linguistic gloss support.
This now uses the covington 2.0 gloss macros (\digloss, \trigloss)
rather than self-baked ones.
2019-06-03 Günter Milde
* Format incremented to 576:
Support for the document languages azerbaijani, bengali,
churchslavonic, and oldrussian.
2019-05-21 Pavel Sanda
* Format incremented to 575:
- add line numbering via lineno package
- adapt class options in aa class documents to latin9 > utf8 default
encoding change.
2019-04-16 Günter Milde
* Format incremented to 574: Ruby inset, fixes for Japanese.
2019-04-16 Günter Milde
* Format incremented to 573: Rename legacy input encoding settings.
2019-04-07 Kornel Benko
* format incremented to 572: Extended Noto fonts.
2019-04-03 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 571: Add \cmidrule trimming support
2019-03-29 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 570: Add individual bib encodings for biblatex
\begin_inset CommandInset bibtex
file_encodings " \t "
2019-03-26 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 569: New buffer param \tablestyle
Determines the standard table template to be used.
2019-03-22 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 568: Support for the soul module:
\so, \hl, \st, \ul, \caps
2019-02-21 Joice Joseph
* Format incremented to 567: Support for Malayalam:
\lang malayalam
2018-10-29 Guy Rutenberg
* format incremeneted to 566: Fix direction of Hebrew parentheses in the LyX file.
2018-10-18 Kornel Benko
* format incremented to 565: Added Adobe Source Pro fonts.
2018-09-20 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 564: New info-inset lyxinfo subtype layoutformat. This returns
the current layout format.
2018-08-16 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 563: New inset argument type "listpreamble". The content will
be inserted between environment begin and first \item of a list.
2018-08-13 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 562: New info-inset type l7n. This returns a localized version
of a string (in the GUI language) if available, removing trailing colons and
accelerator marks.
2018-08-10 Kornel Benko
* format incremented to 561: Added DejaVu and IBM Plex fonts.
2018-08-07 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 560: Time-related info insets: time, modtime, fixtime;
new buffer info inset type: name-noext.
2018-08-04 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 559: Date-related info insets: date, moddate, fixdate.
2018-07-30 Kornel Benko
* format incremented to 558: Remove Begin/EndFrontmatter styles from elsarticle layout.
2018-07-29 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 557: Separate vcs Info inset from buffer Info inset.
2018-07-07 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 556: Support for bib file encoding.
- New param "encoding" for CommandInset bibtex
This will be used for biblatex output as bibencoding package option,
for BibTeX, \bibliography will be wrapped into
2018-07-01 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 555: Support varwidth's V tabular column type.
This effectively enables linebreaks, multipars and layout changes in
non-fixed width (i.e., standard) table columns.
2018-06-23 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 554: Support tabularx and xltabular:
- add column flag "varwidth=true", which will output column type 'X'
with either tabularx or xltabular (for multi-page tables) environment.
2018-05-21 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 553: Support \cite command in tufte classes.
This builds on an extension of the natbib CiteEngine by tufte.
2018-05-10 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 552: support for float alignment
- add buffer param \float_alignment [class|left|center|right]
- add buffer param \float_placement class
- add float param alignment [class|document|left|center|right]
- add float param placement class (=> new param)
- add float param placement document(=> like formerly empty param)
2018-05-06 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 551: add font info param \nospellcheck that prevents
text from being spellchecked.
2018-04-22 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 550: rename \fontencoding global to \fontencoding auto.
Semantic change: this is now automatically set depending on the document fonts.
2018-04-21 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 549: change \textcyr to \textcyrillic.
Dummy format change for now (in case it turns out we need to do something).
2018-04-18 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 548: Add Landscape flex inset in Landscape module.
\begin{landscape}...\end{landscape} > \begin_inset Flex Landscape
2018-03-14 Yuriy Skalko
* Format incremented to 547: support for Charter font from XCharter package.
2018-03-10 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 546: support for ParaType fonts.
- \usepackage{PTSerif} > \font_roman "PTSerif-TLF"
- \usepackage[scaled=x.xx]{PTSans} > \font_sans "PTSans-TLF""
- \usepackage[scaled=x.xx]{PTMono} > \font_typewriter "PTMono-TLF"
2018-02-23 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* format incremented to 545: Add "literal" param to inset include
This is used by the lstinput caption.
2017-06-06 Enrico Forestieri
* Format incremented to 544: support for minted.
The listings inset now supports also the minted package.
- New buffer param \use_minted true
2017-05-13 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 543: rename buffer parameter
math_number_before to math_numbering_side
2017-04-25 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 542: support for document class option "leqno"
New buffer parameter \math_number_before
2017-04-19 Günter Milde
* Format incremented to 541: changes \SpecialChar:
- new argument "allowbreak" to mark an optional line break
without inserting a hyphen (= ZWSP). See #10585.
2017-04-15 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 540: support for rotated float placements
- no new LFUN or buffer parameters
2017-04-08 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 539: support for \baselineskip.
- new length unit BLS
2017-04-05 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 538: support for document class option "fleqn"
and for length \mathindent.
New buffer parameters
- \is_math_indent
- \math_indentation
2017-04-04 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 537: support for \xout.
Character style via ulem's \xout. New
2017-04-04 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 536: support for Noto fonts.
- \usepackage[rm]{noto} > \font_roman "NotoSerif-TLF" ""
- \usepackage[sf]{noto} > \font_sans "NotoSans-TLF" ""
- \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{NotoMono-TLF}
> \font_typewriter "NotoMono-TLF" ""
2017-03-19 Enrico Forestieri
* Format incremented to 535: support for en/em-dash as ligatures.
The en- and em-dashes (U+2013 and U+2014) are now exported as
the font ligatures -- and --- when they would have been exported
as the macros \textendash and \textemdash, unless instructed
otherwise by a document preference.
- New buffer param \use_dash_ligatures true
2017-02-04 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 534: Support for chapterbib
- New buffer param value \multibib child
LaTeX support either via biblatex's \newrefsection at the beginning
of child documents, chapterbib or bibtopic's btUnit environment
embracing the child content (if subdivided bibliography is requested).
2017-02-04 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 533: Support for multiple bibliographies
- New buffer param \multibib none
LaTeX support either via biblatex option "refsection" or bibtopic's
btUnit environment.
- New btprint value "bibbysection" of CommandInset bibtex:
outputs \bibbysection instead of \printbibliography.
2017-01-28 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 532: literal command inset parameter.
With this, inset command params with ParamInfo::HANDLING_LATEXIFY
can be passed to LaTeX either verbatim or latexified.
2017-01-21 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 531: Support for qualified citation lists.
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
New params: pretextlist, posttextlist
A tab-separated list consisting of a cite key, a space and the the
pre- or postnote associated with that specific key.
2017-01-13 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 530: Support natbib & jurabib package options.
2017-01-13 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 529:
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
New LatexCommand value: keyonly -> outputs only the key,
without any cite command.
2017-01-08 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 528: Biblatex support
- New buffer param options:
\cite_engine biblatex | biblatex-natbib
- New buffer params:
\biblatex_bibstyle > biblatex bibliography style
(package option bibstyle=)
\biblatex_citestyle > biblatex citation style
(package option citestyle=)
\biblio_options > further biblatex package options
- \begin_inset CommandInset bibtex:
New param "biblatexopts" > options to \printbibliography
- \begin_inset CommandInset citation
New LatexCommand values: citebyear[][], Footcite[][],
Autocite[][], citetitle*[][], footfullcite[][],
supercite, Citeauthor*[][]
2017-01-02 Richard Heck
* Format incremented to 526: Support plural and capitalize options
for refstyle-based references
- plural "bool"
- caps "bool"
2017-01-02 Richard Heck
* Format incremented to 525: Label only option for references
- LaTeXCommand labelonly
2016-12-29 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 524: Support Crimson/Cochineal fonts
- \usepackage{cochineal} > \font_roman "cochineal" ""
- [osf] > \font_osf true
- \usepackage{crimson} > \font_roman "cochineal" ""
- \usepackage[cochineal]{newtxmath}
> \font_math "cochineal-ntxm" ""
2016-12-26 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 523: Implement cjk quotation marks.
- cjk (corner marks): \begin_inset Quotes j..
- cjkangle (angle brackets): \begin_inset Quotes k..
2016-12-25 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 522: Implement dynamic quotation marks.
\begin_inset Quotes x..
New buffer param \dynamic_quotes true|false
2016-12-24 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 521:
Introduce new quote styles:
- british \begin_inset Quotes b..
- swiss \begin_inset Quotes c..
- swedishg \begin_inset Quotes w..
- frenchin \begin_inset Quotes i..
- russian \begin_inset Quotes r..
Change default behavior of French quote style:
- Inner quotes are now ``...''.
- Former french style is now called "swiss"
2016-12-21 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 520: Introduce plain quote style:
\begin_inset Quotes qls => \textquotesingle
\begin_inset Quotes qld => \textquotesingle
\begin_inset Quotes qrs => \textquotedbl
\begin_inset Quotes qrd => \textquotedbl
2016-12-20 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 519: rename \quotes_language to \quotes_style.
2016-12-13 Richard Heck
* Format incremeneted to 518: iopart.layout now includes
2016-12-10 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 517: InsetQuote now works in verbatim
and Hebrew. On reversion, it is replaced by straight quotes
in these contexts.
2016-12-07 Günter Milde
* Format incremented to 516: Removed \inputenc value "pt254"
2016-10-28 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 515: support for Urdu and Syriac:
\lang urdu
\lang syriac
2016-10-22 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 514: support for Amharic etc.:
\lang amharic
\lang asturian
\lang kannada
\lang khmer
2016-10-16 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 513: support for Piedmontese etc.:
\lang bosnian
\lang friulan
\lang macedonian
\lang piedmontese
\lang romansh
2016-08-04 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 512
Added inclusion of styles from [scr]article to the [scr]article-beamer
layouts. On reversion, this is handled via local layout additions that
are removed again on conversion.
2016-07-11 Richard Heck
* Format incremented to 511
Added "inverted" branches
2016-06-19 Georg Baum
* Format incremented to 510
Removed external date inset
2016-06-16 Pavel Sanda
* Format incremented to 509.
New parameter "\use_microtype bool" for including microtype LaTeX
package into preamble.
2016-04-05 Enrico Forestieri
* Format incremented to 508
New kind of Separator inset (latexpar). The old parbreak separator
used specifically to introduce a LaTeX paragraph break in the output
(and thus not as a proper separator) is turned into a latexpar kind.
The only difference with the parbreak kind is the representation
on screen. The new latexpar kind is represented by the same symbol
used previously for the parbreak one, while the latter is now
represented as a double line.
2016-03-25 Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
* Format incremented to 507
Convert caption subtype LongTableNoNumber to Unnumbered
2016-01-26 Guillaume Munch
* Format incremented to 506
No new parameters.
Convert "inset-modify tabular" to "tabular-feature" in Info insets.
2016-01-26 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 505
This was a conversion of acmsiggraph.layout to ACM siggraph version 0.92.
This was reverted after format 506 on 2016-02-03.
2015-12-20 Guillaume Munch
* Format incremented to 504
New parameter "\save_transient_properties". When set to false, various
settings are no longer written to the file (only with a default
value). These include for now \tracking_changes and \output_changes.
⚠ Bug 9841 .
2015-11-24 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 503
No new parameters.
Add environment "verbatim*" to
2015-11-18 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 502
No new parameters.
Add environment "solution" to the theorems modules.
2015-11-08 Georg Baum
* Format incremented to 501
\fonts_roman, \fonts_sans, \fonts_typewriter and \fonts_math,
take now two quoted values instead of one unquoted one.
The first one is for TeX fonts, the second one for non-TeX fonts.
\font_sf_scale and \font_tt_scale
take now two values instead of one.
The first one is for TeX fonts, the second one for non-TeX fonts.
2015-11-04 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 500
No new parameters.
achemso layout improvement:
- new flex inset Latin
2015-10-27 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 499
No new parameters.
moderncv layout improvements:
- new style Name ,obsoletes the styles FamilyName and FirstName
- new argument for style Phone, obsoletes styles Mobile and Fax
- new styles CVIcons and CVColumnWidth
2015-10-19 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 498
No new parameters.
tcolorbox module improvements:
- 5 new custom box insets
- new subtitle inset
- new raster box inset
2015-07-16 Georg Baum
* Format incremented to 497
The boundingBox parameter of InsetExternal uses units now
2015-07-16 Georg Baum
* Format incremented to 496
Remove noUnzip parameter of InsetGraphics
2015-05-24 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 495: Rename sub: refprefix to subsec: in order
to prevent clash of \\subref command with subfloat package.
2015-05-24 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 494: support more layouts in jss.layout
No new parameters.
2015-05-17 Georg Baum
* Format incremented to 493
Support \multicolumn in math formulas
2015-05-16 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 492: support for \colorbox and \fcolorbox
in the box dialog.
New box parameters:
- framecolor
- backgroundcolor
2015-05-14 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 491: support for xcolor's default colors
No new parameter, the \color parameter can now also have these values:
"brown", "darkgray", "gray", "lightgray", "lime", "olive", "orange",
"pink", "purple", "teal", "violet"
2015-05-13 Enrico Forestieri
* Format incremented to 490: new \origin tag, extended \textclass tag.
The \origin tag keeps track of the document directory and is useful
for locating files if the document is moved to a new location.
The \textclass tag can now contain a path (possibly relative to the
document directory) pointing to the location of a local layout file
if it is not located in the document directory.
2015-05-11 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 489: support to set line thickness, box separation
and shadow size in the box dialog
New box parameters:
- thickness
- separation
- shadowsize
2015-04-21 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 488: Rewrite the Glosse insets (Glosse and Tri-Glosse).
These insets now do not any longer use PassThru. Instead, they use an optional
argument which is output as the glosse translation.
2015-04-20 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 487: Support the forest environment of the forest package.
Note that this inset does not escape brackets in braces, i.e. [ and ] are output
verbatim, not as {[] and {]}.
2015-04-20 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 486: Support item arguments in the
"Numbered Examples (consecutive)" and "Subexample" layouts of
the linguistics module:
\item[foo] bar ==> \begin_layout Subexample
\begin_inset Argument item:1
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
2015-04-09 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 485: new par layout for sigplanconf.layout:
2015-04-06 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 484: support for Georgian:
\lang georgian
2015-03-23 Georg Baum
* Format incremented to 483
Make InsetSpecialChar names more consistent:
\- => softhyphen
\textcompwordmark{} => ligaturebreak
\@. => endofsentence
\ldots{} => ldots
\menuseparator => menuseparator
\slash{} => breakableslash
\nobreakdash- => nobreakdash
\LyX => LyX
\TeX => TeX
\LaTeX2e => LaTeX2e
\LaTeX => LaTeX
2015-03-01 Georg Baum
* Format incremented to 482
"LyX", "TeX", "LaTeX2e" and "LaTeX" are not automatically converted
to LaTeX macros anymore.
Instead, these are new flavours of InsetSpecialChar (⚠ bug 4752 ).
2015-02-24 Georg Baum
* Format incremented to 481
"--" and "---" are not treated as endash and emdash anymore, since
we have unicode symbols for that now (⚠ bug 3647 ).
2015-01-09 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 480:
Add self-defined Question* and Question lemma types to
theorems-ams-extended-bytype module.
2014-08-31 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 479
Support for beamer lemma environment.
2014-08-25 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 478: support for the LaTeX math commands
2014-07-05 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 477
New language swiss german (old spelling):
\lang german-ch-old
2014-05-27 Georg Baum
* Format incremented to 476
Native support for \smash[t] and \smash[b] with automatic amsmath
2014-05-05 Enrico Forestieri
* Format incremented to 475
New Separator insets. The parbreak separator introduces a LaTeX
paragraph break in the output. The plain separator does nothing
and its purpose is replacing the Separator layout for separating
environments. The new parbreak separator is roughly equivalent
to the old Separator layout.
2013-05-30 Richard Heck
* Format increments to 474: dummy format for conversion of Chunk layouts
to insets
2013-05-28 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 473: support to set Tibetan as document language
2013-05-26 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 472: added 2 new abstract styles to the
aa.layout file
2013-05-16 Julien Rioux
* Format incremented to 471
New \cite_engine_type default. The default citation
capability of LaTeX is not a pure numerical engine,
rather it uses a mixture of labels/numbers.
2013-05-15 Georg Baum
* Format incremented to 470
forced local layouts for future layout backward compatibility:
\begin_forced_local_layout, \end_forced_local_layout
2013-03-23 Georg Baum
* Format incremented to 469
support for \caption* in longtables (fix ⚠ bug 3209 )
2013-03-22 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 468: support for \mbox and \fbox
New checkbox in the box dialog to avoid using an explicit
width. An empty/missing length can be specified as "".
2013-03-19 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 467: support for iwona fonts
new supported sansserif fonts "iwona", "iwonal", "iwonac"
and "iwonalc" and the math font "iwona-math"
2013-03-17 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 466: Powerdot updates.
- Support for item arguments ([...], <...>)
- Support for list option
- Support for Pause layout (like in beamer)
- Support for twocolumn layout
- Support for \onslide, \onslide* and \onslide+ via fle inset.
2013-03-16 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 465: Convert old beamer frames to new ones.
The layouts BeginFrame, BeginPlainFrame and EndFrame are now not
valied anymore (use "Frame", "PlainFrame" instead, and nesting).
2013-02-27 Kornel Benko
* Format incremented to 464:
- Added "cancel" to the GUI handled list of LaTeX packages
2013-02-18 Julien Rioux
* Format incremented to 463:
- Use the LyX name of encodings instead of the LaTeX names.
The LyX name must be unique, while the name used by LaTeX
not necessarily, e.g. different packages might implement
support for the same encoding.
- Add utf8-platex encoding.
2013-02-15 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 462: Support for recent libertine LaTeX fonts
a.) Support Libertine Mono:
=> \font_typewriter libertine-mono
b.) Support Biolinum scaling:
=> \font_sans biolinum
2013-02-11 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 461: support for kurier fonts
new supported sansserif fonts "kurier", "kurierl", "kurierc"
and "kurierlc" and the math font "kurier-math"
2013-02-09 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 460: support for IEEE conference articles
No changes in the file format
This format change was added for the lyx2lyx conversion
2012-12-31 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 459: Introduce new beamer frames:
Frame, PlainFrame, FragileFrame (LaTeX: \begin{frame},
\begin{frame}[plain], \begin{frame}[fragile]). These will
eventually replace the old BeginFrame, BeginPlainFrame, which
still exist.
2012-12-30 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 458: Extended caption inset support.
Former special caption layouts (e.g. of KOMA) are now proper caption
2012-12-28 Georg Baum
* Format incremented to 457
support for the LaTeX-package stackrel (fix ⚠ bug 8464 )
New buffer param \use_package stackrel
2012-12-28 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 456: Proper support for memoir \epigraph
\epigraph{text}{source} > begin_layout Epigraph, as
InsetArgument post:1
2012-12-22 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 455: Support for beamer \frametitle
\frametitle[short]{title} > begin_layout FrameTitle
2012-12-19 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 454:
Real support for beamer overprint environment. This environment has a
list structure (with \onslide item commands). Previously, we just output
the begin/end tags, which was rather useless. Since the syntax is so
different, the old overprint layouts are converted to ERT, likewise the
reversion is to ERT.
2012-12-15 Georg Baum
* Format incremented to 453
support for the LaTeX-package stmaryrd (fix ⚠ bug 8434 )
New buffer param \use_package stmaryrd
2012-12-09 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 452: Support for beamer block arguments:
* Format incremented to 451: Native support for beamer action/overlay arguments.
\command => \begin_inset Argument 1
2012-12-04 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 450: Support for the URW Garamond LaTeX fonts.
- \usepackage{garamondx} > \font_roman garamondx
- [osf], [osfI] > \font_osf true
- \usepackage[garamondx]{newtxmath} > \font_math garamondx-ntxm
Also (fallback):
- \renewcommand{\sffamily}{ugm} > \font_roman garamondx
2012-11-29 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 449: Support for \item arguments.
Item arguments have the prefix "item:" and a number determining
the order.
\begin_inset Argument item:1
=> \item[...]
2012-11-25 Kayvan Sylvan
* Format incremented to 448: Change Noweb literate style Scrap
to Chunk to be consistent with all the other literate tools
(including noweb!) and add the needed preamble bits to Noweb
module support, also remove the literate-* layouts.
2012-11-24 Uwe Stöhr
* Format incremented to 447: No changes in the file format
This format change was added to force the lyx2lyx conversion
for layout files using the new InsetArgument feature.
(see previous fileformat change 446)
2012-11-19 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 446: Change of InsetArgument syntax.
InsetArgument now has a numeric identifier which determines
its position (in the LaTeX output):
\begin_inset Argument 1
Pre-2.1 documents' arguments all get the number "999", and then
InsetArgument::updateBuffer() computes the correct number.
This is because lyx2lyx has no access to layouts and hence does
not know how many optional arguments a layout can have (if a command
has two optional and one mandatory arguments and only one optional
is actually given, the mandatory arg still must get number 3).
2012-10-20 Liviu Andronic
* Format incremented to 445: support for the URW Classico font,
an Optima clone.
- \renewcommand{\sffamily}{uop} > \font_sans uop
2012-09-25 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 444: Support for the Biolinum LaTeX font.
- \usepackage{biolinum-type1} > \font_sans biolinum
- [lf], [lining] > \font_osf false
- [osf], [oldstyle], no option > \font_osf true
- \usepackage{libertine-legacy} or
\usepackage{libertine} > \font_sans biolinum
- [nf], no option > \font_osf false
- [osf] > \font_osf true
2012-09-24 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 443: basic support for unicode-math:
Empty file format change (in case it turns out we need to
do something).
2012-09-23 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 442: support for the newtxmath fonts:
- \usepackage{newtxmath} > \font_math newtxmath
- \usepackage[libertine]{newtxmath} > \font_math libertine-ntxm
- \usepackage[minion]{newtxmath} > \font_math minion-ntxm
2012-09-23 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 441:
- rename fonts: mdbch > md-charter, mdput > md-utopia, mdugm > md-garamond
- add support for the mathdesign fonts without loading mathfonts:
\renewcommand{\rmfamily}{mdbch} > \font_roman md-charter
\font_math default
\renewcommand{\rmfamily}{mdput} > \font_roman md-utopia
\font_math default
\renewcommand{\rmfamily}{mdugm} > \font_roman md-garamond
\font_math default
2012-09-22 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 440:
Math (TeX) font UI.
New Buffer param "\font_math ",
supported values are:
* "auto": automatically adapt math font (the status quo ante).
* "default": use class default, i.e. prevent TeX font packages
from changing the math font, if possible:
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{lmr} > \font_roman lmodern
\font_math default
\usepackage[onlytext,lf]{MinionPro} > \font_roman minionpro
\font_math default
\usepackage[onlytext]{MinionPro} > \font_roman minionpro
\font_osf true
\font_math default
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ppl} > \font_roman palatino
\font_math default
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pplj} > \font_roman palatino
\font_osf true
\font_math default
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm} > \font_roman times
\font_math default
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{futs} > \font_roman utopia
\font_math default
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{futj} > \font_roman utopia
\font_osf true
\font_math default
* "eulervm": use the eulervm package (\usepackage{eulervm}.
2012-09-19 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 439
Support for the MinionPro LaTeX font.
- \usepackage{MinionPro} > \font_roman minionpro
- [osf], [oldstyle], no option > \font_osf true
- [lf], [lining] > \font_osf false
2012-08-23 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 438
Support for some IPA macros that are not unicoded.
(1) tone symbols from tipa's "tone" subpackage:
-- \tone{51} => \IPAChar \tone{51}
-- \tone{15} => \IPAChar \tone{15}
-- \tone{45} => \IPAChar \tone{45}
-- \tone{12} => \IPAChar \tone{12}
-- \tone{454} => \IPAChar \tone{454}
(2) TIPA tie bars:
-- \toptiebar{} =>
\begin_inset IPADeco toptiebar
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
-- \bottomtiebar{} =>
\begin_inset IPADeco bottomtiebar
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
2012-08-19 Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Format incremented to 437
Support for the TeX Gyre LaTeX fonts.
- \usepackage{tgadventor} > \font_sans tgadventor
- \usepackage{tgbonum} > \font_roman tgbonum
- \usepackage{tgchorus} > \font_roman tgchorus
- \usepackage{tgcursor} > \font_typewriter tgcursor
- \usepackage{tgheros} > \font_sans tgheros
- \usepackage{tgpagella} > \font_roman tgpagella
- \usepackage{tgschola} > \font_roman tgschola
- \usepackage{tgtermes} > \font_roman tgtermes
2012-08-18 Jürgen Spitzmüller |