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Notes about the LyX file format. For now this page just embeds development/FORMAT.

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1.  development/FORMAT

LyX file-format changes ----------------------- Please keep the entries informative enough, i.e. try to indicate what changes happened in particular if possible. A good example would be 2010-01-10 entry. ----------------------- 2025-02-28 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 634: Support for colortbl 1. New buffer parmams: * \table_bordercolor => \arrayrulecolor{} * \table_alt_row_colors_start (1), * \table_odd_row_color (2), * \table_even_row_color (3) => \rowcolors{<1>}{}{} 2. New table params: a.) features: * borderColor="" => \arrayrulecolor{} * startAltRowColors="" (1) * oddRowsColor="" (2) * evenRowsColor="" (3) => \rowcolors{<1>}{}{} b.) cell: color= => \cellcolor{} c.) row: * color= (1) * colorleftoverhang= (2) * colorrightoverhang= (3) => \cellcolor{}[<2>][<3>] d.) column: * color= (1) * colorleftoverhang= (2) * colorrightoverhang= (3) => >{\rowcolor{}[<2>][<3>]} 2025-02-22 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 633: 1. \fontcolor, \backgroundcolor, \notefontcolor" and \boxbgcolor now take a lyxcolor as a (string) value, no longer a color hexname. 2. The framecolor and backgroundcolor parameter of InsetBox can take all supported latexcolors and cusom colors as argument. 2025-02-20 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 632: 1. Add support for xcolor named colors in text style. \color See latexcolors for supported colors and their names (which are all lowercased in the LyX file). 2. Add support for custom colors which will be accessible in the char style dialog: \customcolor name hexvalue hexvalue is without preceding '#' 2024-09-29 Thibaut Cuvelier * Format incremented to 631: Add support for MathML versions, which are stored separately for DocBook and XHTML (\docbook_mathml_version, which is new, and \html_math_output, which receives a new value). 2024-08-25 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 630: Add support for a number of languages in babel and polyglossia: Polyglossia: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, Kurdish (Sorani), Latin (Classic), Latin (Ecclesiastic), Latin (Medieval), N'ko, Odia, Punjabi, and Uyghur Babel: Amharic, Armenian, Asturian, Bengali, Church Slavonic, Coptic, Divehi, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Kurdish (Sorani), Lao, Latin (Classic), Latin (Ecclesiastic), Latin (Medieval), Malayalam, Marathi, N'ko, Occitan, Odia, Punjabi, Russian (Petrine orthography), Sanskrit, Syriac, Tamil, Telugu, Tibetan, Urdu, and Uyghur 2024-08-23 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 629: Add support for language options New buffer params \language_options_babel and \language_options_polyglossia These are simply removed on document reversion. 2024-08-21 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 628: Add support for nomentbl-style nomencl insets: \nomenclature[]{}{}{}{} New buffer param \nomencl_options which holds a comma-separated list of options (of the nomencl package). 2024-08-12 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 627: Transform nomenclature inset to collapsible. 2024-07-21 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 626: Support for manuel longest label in \printnomencl (via new param option set_width "textwidth"). In LaTeX, this will be output as \settowidth{\nomlabelwidth}{} before \printnomencl, which we will revert to ERT. 2024-07-11 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 625: Support for \nptextcite (biblatex-apa) and \autocite*/\Autocite* (biblatex-mla). We will revert new commands to ERT where necessary. 2024-07-09 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 624: Add biblatex-chicago cite engine. We will revert new commands to ERT where necessary. 2024-06-11 Udi Fogiel * Format incremented to 623: Remove hebrew letter document class. Old documents will be mapped to regular letter document class. 2024-06-01 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 622: Allow glue length (skip) in parskip setting. 2024-05-13 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 621: Escape some special chars (#, %, \) in URL with hyperref. Previous to this change, the user had to escape this themselves. 2023-09-29 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 620: Add InsetBox "default" framecolor ("foreground" rather than "black" in GUI). This aligns better with dark mode. 2023-09-06 Richard Kimberly Heck * Format incremented to 619: New document header \use_formatted_ref for workarea display purposes only. 2023-08-01 Udi Fogiel * Format incremented to 618: Hebrew quote style New buffer param \quotes_style hebrew \begin_inset Quotes d{l,r}{d,s} 2023-07-20 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 617: Update covington support in linguistics module: - Support enviroment option of example and examples - Support angular item argument of examples and subexamples (this shifts item argument structure) - Support new optional arguments of \digloss and \trigloss (this shifts argument structure) - Support \expreamble, \subexpreamble \expostamble, \subexpostamble macros 2023-06-11 Enrico Forestieri * Format incremented to 616: Do not output LaTeX for a macro if the LaTeX part is empty - This allows the user to define the LyX display for LaTeX commands that are already defined (e.g., in user preamble or a package). - No substantive change to file format. Format change just in case someone defined a math macro with an empty LaTeX field. In that case, lyx2lyx adds {} to the LaTeX part on conversion and removes the macro altogether on reversion. 2023-04-02 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 615: Unifiy spelling of "acknowledgment" styles (using US spelling throughout) 2022-12-25 Richard Kimberly Heck * Format incremented to 614: New "Other" type for hyperlinks 2022-12-11 Jürgen Spitzmüller * Format incremented to 613: Support \\fonts_default_family for non-TeX fonts. 2022-12-04 Daniel Ramöller * Format incremented to 612: Implement support for starred crossref commands (with hyperref) which suppress links: - \begin_inset CommandInset ref LatexCommand {ref,pageref,vref,vpageref,eqref,nameref} [...] nolink "true" => \*{