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Links to help/description of the NSIS instructions used in the LyX Windows installers. Table of contents (hide)
1. Unclassified statementsThe following are statements found in J's and U's code that I so far haven't located any documentation for: 1.1 System::CallExample: System::Call "kernel32::GetUserDefaultUILanguage()i.R0"
1.2 UserInfo::GetAccountTypeExample: UserInfo::GetAccountType
1.3 UserInfo::GetName - - U onlyExample: UserInfo::GetName
1.4 Banner::destroy - - J onlyExample: Banner::destroy
1.5 Banner::show - - J onlyExample: Banner::show /NOUNLOAD "Preparing wizard"
1.6 FindProcDLL:FindProc - - U onlyExample: FindProcDLL::FindProc "${INSTALLER2_EXE}"
1.7 InetLoad::load -Example: InetLoad::load "${DOWNLOAD_${COMPONENT}}" "$PLUGINSDIR\${COMPONENT}Setup.exe" /END
1.8 nsExec::Exec - - J onlyExample: nsExec::Exec '"$PathLaTeX\initexmf.exe" --update-fndb'
1.9 nsExec::ExecToStack - - J onlyExample: nsExec::ExecToStack "initexmf.exe --report"
2. PagesSee NSIS_SR:#4.5 2.1 Page - pagesSee NSIS_SR:#4.5.4 and NSIS_SR:#4.5 3. Sections3.1 AddSize - section commandSee NSIS_SR:# 3.2 Section - section commandSee NSIS_SR:# 3.3 SectionEnd - section commandSee NSIS_SR:# 3.4 SectionIn - section command - U onlySee NSIS_SR:# 4. Installer attributes4.1 BrandingText - general attributeSee NSIS_SR:# 4.2 Caption - general attribute - J onlySee NSIS_SR:# 4.3 CRCCheck - general attribute - U only4.4 Icon - general attribute - J only4.5 InstallDir - general attribute4.6 LicenseData - general attribute - U only4.7 Name - general attribute4.8 OutFile - general attribute4.9 ShowInstDetails - general attribute - J only4.10 SilentInstall - general attribute - J only4.11 SetCompressor - compiler flagsSee NSIS_SR:# 4.12 VIAddVersionKey - version information - J onlySee NSIS_SR:# 4.13 VIProductVersion - version information - J onlySee NSIS_SR:# 5. Pre-compiler statements5.1 !addplugindir - - J only5.2 !define5.3 !ifdef5.4 !ifndef5.5 !include5.6 !insertmacro5.7 !macro5.8 !macroend5.9 !system - J only5.10 !undef6. Macros used for high level flow control and logicI'm hoping the meaning of these macros are obvious - no link to documentation yet. 6.1 ${do}6.2 ${loopuntil}6.3 ${loop} - - J only6.4 ${if}6.5 ${orif}6.6 ${andif}6.7 ${elseif} - - J only6.8 ${else}6.9 ${endif}6.10 ${unless} - - J only6.11 ${andunless} - - J only6.12 ${for} - - U only6.13 ${exitfor} - - U only6.14 ${next} - - U only7. Instructions (commands)7.1 Var - User variablesSee NSIS_SR:# 7.2 Function - function commandsSee NSIS_SR:# 7.3 FunctionEnd - function commandsSee NSIS_SR:# 7.4 Delete - basicSee NSIS_SR:# 7.5 Exec - basic - U onlySee NSIS_SR:# 7.6 ExecShell - basicSee NSIS_SR:# 7.7 ExecWait - basicSee NSIS_SR:# 7.8 File - basicSee NSIS_SR:# 7.9 Rename - basic - U onlySee NSIS_SR:# 7.10 ReserveFile - basicSee NSIS_SR:# 7.11 RMDir - basicSee NSIS_SR:# 7.12 SetOutPath - basicSee NSIS_SR:# 7.13 DeleteRegKey - registry, INI, file instructionsSee NSIS_SR:# 7.14 DeleteRegValue - registry, INI, file instructions - U onlySee NSIS_SR:# 7.15 EnumRegKey - registry, INI, file instructionsSee NSIS_SR:# 7.16 EnumRegValue - registry, INI, file instructions - U onlySee NSIS_SR:# 7.17 ReadRegStr - registry, INI, file instructions7.18 WriteRegDWORD - registry, INI, file instructions - U only7.19 WriteRegStr - registry, INI, file instructions7.20 CallInstDLL - general purpose - J onlySee NSIS_SR:# 7.21 CopyFiles - general purposeSee NSIS_SR:# 7.22 CreateDirectory - general purpose - U onlySee NSIS_SR:# 7.23 CreateShortCut - general purposeSee NSIS_SR:# 7.24 GetFileTime - general purpose - J onlySee NSIS_SR:# 7.25 GetFullPathName - general purpose - J onlySee NSIS_SR:# 7.26 Abort - flow controlSee NSIS_SR:# 7.27 Call - flow controlSee NSIS_SR:# 7.28 ClearErrors - flow control - U onlySee NSIS_SR:# 7.29 Goto - flow controlSee NSIS_SR:# 7.30 IfErrors - flow control - U onlySee NSIS_SR:# 7.31 IfFileExists - flow control - U only7.32 IfSilent - flow control - J only7.33 IntCmp - flow control - U only7.34 MessageBox - flow control7.35 Return - flow control - U only7.36 Quit - flow control - J only7.37 StrCmp - flow control7.38 FileClose - File instructions - U onlySee NSIS_SR:# hmm... shouldn't J also close the file?
7.39 FileOpen - file instructionsSee NSIS_SR:# 7.40 FileRead - file instructions - U onlySee NSIS_SR:# 7.41 FileWrite - file instructionsSee NSIS_SR:# 7.42 FindClose - file instructions - U onlySee NSIS_SR:# 7.43 FindFirst - file instructions - U onlySee NSIS_SR:# 7.44 FindNext - file instructions - U only7.45 WriteUninstaller - uninstaller instructions7.46 InitPluginsDir - miscellanous instructions - J only7.47 SetShellVarContext - miscellanous instructionsSee NSIS_SR:# 7.48 Sleep - miscellanous instructions - J onlySee NSIS_SR:# 7.49 StrCpy - string manipulationSee NSIS_SR:# 7.50 StrLen - string manipulationSee NSIS_SR:# 7.51 Exch - stack supportSee NSIS_SR:# 7.52 Pop - stack supportSee NSIS_SR:# 7.53 Push - stack supportSee NSIS_SR:# 7.54 IntOp - integer support7.55 SectionSetFlags - section management - U only7.56 SectionGetFlags - section management - U only7.57 SectionSetText - section management - U only7.58 SectionSetSize - section management - J only7.59 SectionGetSize - section management - J only7.60 BringToFront - user interface - J only7.61 DetailPrint - user interface - J only7.62 EnableWindow - user interface - J only7.63 FindWindow - user interface - J only7.64 GetDlgItem - user interface - J only7.65 HideWindow - user interface7.66 SetAutoClose - user interface - U only7.67 SetDetailsPrint - user interface - J only7.68 ShowWindow - user interface - J only7.69 LangString - multiple language - J onlyHmm... according to section 4.4, Ask Joost if this is really an attribute? 8. Macros used as instructionsThe following are probably macros that have been used as instructions. I think they come from some standard libraries. 8.1 ${StrStr} - - J only8.2 ${GetParent} - - J only8.3 ${VersionCompare} - - J only8.4 ${WordFind2X} - - J only9. Macros used as instructions - created by JThere are probably many more macros... 9.1 ${LanguageStringAdd} - - J only9.2 ${REG_FILEEXT} - - J only9.3 ${FILE}<filename> - - - J"
9.4 ${REG_FILETYPE}<???> - - J onlyExample: ${REG_FILETYPE}\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\bin\lyx_doc_32x32.ico"
9.5 ${REG_UNINSTALL} - - J only10. Macros used as instructions - created by UThere are probably many more macros... 10.1 ${CreateApplicationAssociation} - - U only10.2 ${CreateFileAssociation} - - U only10.3 ${RefreshShellIcons} - - U only10.4 ${RemoveFileAssociation} - - U onlyCategory: NSIS, Development, Windows installer |