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About lyx-functions (LFUN:s), a.k.a. user commands

What are LFUNs?

If you press M-x, you activate a small command prompt (the mini-buffer) at the bottom of the LyX window. You can then execute commands by typing their name, or even a sequence of commands by first typing command-sequence (see Tips.CommandSequences).

These commands are called "Lyx Functions" (or LFUNs). There is an LFUN for every action (cut, paste, search etc) including showing some dialogs.

  • LFUNS can be bound to keys, menus or toolbars.
  • Using the mini-buffer the user can manually execute an LFUN.
  • LFUNS can be used to "remote-control" lyx via the lyxserver pipes

The LFUNs available in a specific version of LyX are listed and described in Help→LyX Functions.

If you are interested in the source code, look at


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Page last modified on 2014-02-13 13:42 UTC