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Two examples for business use of LyX: Letter and Paper

Table of contents (hide)

  1.   1.  Letter
  2.   2.  Paper
  3.   3.  Files
  4.   4.  Comments
  5.   5.  Contributors
  6.   6.  Categories

1.  Letter

A LyX source file and some auxiliary TeX files are given based on komascript v,2 scrlttr2 class and a special page layout designed by Markus Kohm several years ago in DANTE's quarterly TeXnische Komödie (2 / 2003). This format (A4) is clearly intended for european use.

Using the files in uploads:/Examples/hw-business-paper/Letter it should be possible to reproduce the pdf file which can be found there too.

There is also a README file giving some more information.

In case of problems or further questions ask on the users list or personally at mail at hellmutweber dot de

2.  Paper

A LyX source file and some auxiliary TeX files can be found in uploads:/Examples/hw-business-paper/Paper to produce a business paper as shown in the pdf file given there too.

To reproduce the paper the .layout file has to be moved into your personal .lyx/layouts directory and the file esepaper.sty has to be put somewhere where kpathsea (after texhash if you use teTeX) can see it. Then LyX has to be configured to make it aware of the new textclass. The other files can be in the directory of the LyX source file.

Here too, there is a README file giving some more information.

Additionally in the .layout file some local layouts are defined. But beware, the whole thing is an ugly hack from some years ago. Since I'm the only user I never took the time to work on it. ,-)

In case of further questions or problems aks on the users list or personally at mail at hellmutweber dot de

3.  Files

List of files in uploads:/Examples/hw-business-paper/Letter: (:uploadlist /Examples/hw-business-paper/Letter fmt=detailed:)


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5.  Contributors

  • Hellmut Weber

6.  Categories

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