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About the LyX mascot that is illustrated in e.g. the logotype.
1. What is the mascot called?
I, Christian, am not quite sure, although bug:135 indicates the mascot
is simply called 'The LyX'. In case it's up for debate, this page
lists some name suggestions in wait for a vote on the users' list
(with veto rights reserved by core developers).
The LyX
1.1 What kind of animal is that?
Is that a bird or a monster?
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1.2 Why is it a platypus?
Why is the logotype a platypus to begin with?
Answer (Uwe Stöhr): Ask Lars Gullik Bjonnes, Matthias Etthrich or Jean-Marc Lasgouttess...
The platypus as an example in our User's Guide looks very much
like one of the animals on the cover of O'Reilly books.
Answer (Steve Litt): Because the Dodo bird is already taken by MS Word.
Answer (José Abílio): I am not sure, the platypus figure made its
appearance in the 0.10 code base. So other than the usual suspects,
Jean-Marc, Lars, Jürgen Vigna, Alan Rae or Asger, someone that may
know what is the meaning of the platypus is David L. Johnson.
If I am allowed to guess I would conjecture that the association
of a platypus to lyx is related with the C++ roots of LyX.
In objected oriented text/books the platypus is sometimes associated
with the concept of
Is enough to search the web for examples of "polymorphism platypus c++"
to see the plethora of positive outcomes.
2. Some history
- Probably various discussions on mailing lists.
- Bug:135 contains:
The poor thing doesn't have a name. Unfortunately my
campaign to name him "Steve" isn't going too well.
------- Additional Comment #1 From Lars Gullik Bj�nnes 2002-01-14 15:23 -------
Possible names:
- Steve
- Lucky
- Willer (and in Tex Willer...)
- Platux (evt. Platyx)
- Xerlyx (sounds ok...)
- Xerces (ok ok...)
- XT
- Mr. TX. (TX as a word not as two letters)
- Mr. T
- Potus (ok that is something completely different)
- Smolf (Small Mascot of LyX Fame)
Some more brainstorming now, and we can have a vote.
I belive we should first have about 20-30 different
ones, then have a vote to select 5-10 of these.
Then have another vote to decide the winner...
we must give the LyX Team (core developers) veto.
We cannot live with just anything.
------- Additional Comment #2 From John Levon 2002-01-14 15:29 -------
All very showbiz, it's just the Big Brother TV show (yes, MORE trash TV).
------- Additional Comment #3 From Matej Cepl 2002-02-24 16:11 -------
I would definitively vote for Platyx---it certainly has to have something common
with platypus, which is the best animal on earth.
------- Additional Comment #4 From John Levon 2002-03-12 02:39 -------
So what does "TeX Willer" actually mean ? I like "Willer"
Mr. T is already taken too :
------- Additional Comment #5 From Juergen Spitzmueller 2002-03-12 11:26 -------
I vote for Lydia. Let's give the women a chance in this pure man's world.
------- Additional Comment #6 From Christophe Foucher 2002-03-21 20:43 -------
I also vote for Lydia.
------- Additional Comment #7 From Kayvan Sylvan 2002-03-22 10:02 -------
I vote for ToM (Tom, Our Mascot)
------- Additional Comment #8 From John Levon 2002-03-26 03:10 -------
Inspired by lib/examples/ my vote is for Felyx
------- Additional Comment #9 From Juergen Vigna 2002-03-27 02:24 -------
I find it pretty uneccessary to have this type of stuff as open BUG report here!
Anyway the creature is called "The LyX" and that is it! #:O)
------- Additional Comment #10 From John Levon 2002-05-23 14:19 -------
Mass move to 1.2.0 - grep out the bugspam with "Dharma ex one+one"
------- Additional Comment #11 From Matej Cepl 2003-03-05 03:53 -------
What is the status of this bug? :-)
------- Additional Comment #12 From John Levon 2003-04-24 15:25 -------
Lars doesn't want any bugs.
------- Additional Comment #13 From Juergen Vigna 2005-07-16 23:33 -------
We call it "The LyX", and that's it.
3. Suggested names
Suggestions from bug:135.
- Steve
- Lucky
- Willer (and in Tex Willer...)
- Platux
- Platyx
- Xerlyx
- Xerces
- XT
- Mr. TX. (TX as a word not as two letters)
- Mr. T
- Potus
- Smolf (Small Mascot of LyX Fame)
- Lydia
- ToM
- Felyx
- The LyX
- Lexycon
New suggestions:
Names that are possibly already taken:
4. Categories