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New in LyX 2.5

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About the new features in LyX 2.5.

What is new in LyX 2.5?

The LyX Team

March 2025

1.  Preface

Work on LyX 2.5 started on April 1 2024 (no joke!), in parallel to the final preparations of LyX 2.4.0 (which has been released in May 2024).

2.  Bibliography- and citation-related improvements

With biblatex, support of some of the more common bibliography styles has been improved:

  • Chicago Manual of Style: LyX now supports the biblatex-chicago package with all commands in authordate and notes-bibliography mode.
  • APA: The special citation command \nptextcite of biblatex-apa is now natively supported. Also, the on-screen representation of citations with this style is more accurate.
  • MLA: The special citation command \autocite* of biblatex-mla is now natively supported. Also, the on-screen representation of citations with this style is more accurate.

3.  Cross-referencing improvements

  • It is now possible to add a cross-reference to a heading, figure or table (caption) by right-clicking on this element in the Outliner. Even more: LyX checks if the element in question already has a label, and if not, it inserts one and refers to this.
    The feature also has been backported to LyX 2.4.3.
  • For formatted cross-references, you can now also employ the package cleveref or the zref-clever/zref-vario bundle instead of prettyref or refstyle.

4.  Nomenclature and index

  • The nomenclature inset is now a collapsible, which allows much more convenient editing.
  • LyX now supports tabular-style nomenclatures (nomentbl) with additional unit and note part.
  • The nomenclature options can now be easily managed in document settings.
  • It it now possible to set the longest label of a nomenclature list manually.
  • Multiple indexes are now also supported with the Memoir class.
  • In index entries, the characters !, @ and | are now output as characters. The special index meaning (which is meanwhile natively available in LyX) can still be achieved by inserting these characters in TeX mode.
  • The Log dialog now shows all logs with multiple indexes

5.  Language support

  • You can now alter language options (both for babel and polyglossia) in document settings.
  • LyX now supports babel's new(er) mechanism to load languages via *.ini files. This allows to support a number of languages with babel for which no *.ldf file exists, and to better support some languages with babel and non-TeX fonts.
  • LyX now supports the following languages:
    • With Polyglossia: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, Kurdish (Sorani), Latin (Classic), Latin (Ecclesiastic), Latin (Medieval), N'ko, Odia, Punjabi, and Uyghur
    • With Babel: Amharic, Armenian, Asturian, Bengali, Church Slavonic, Coptic, Divehi, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Kurdish (Sorani), Lao, Latin (Classic), Latin (Ecclesiastic), Latin (Medieval), Malayalam, Marathi, N'ko, Occitan, Odia, Punjabi, Russian (Petrine orthography), Sanskrit, Syriac, Tamil, Telugu, Tibetan, Urdu, and Uyghur
  • Arabic, Farsi and Hebrew can now be used with Babel and non-TeX fonts (i.e., XeTeX or LuaTeX).

6.  Color support (UI and output)

  • LyX now supports color in tables (via the colortbl package). You can now set the background color of individual cells, rows, and columns, the table border (rule) color, and two colors which are used for (automatically) alternating colored rows. Table border and alternating row colors can also be set globally per document (and then opted out locally per table).
  • In addition to the rather small list of mostly unpleasant "base colors" as defined by color and xcolor, we now support the whole range of (a whopping 752) named colors provided by the xcolor package in all document-related color settings (text, document, box, and table settings dialogs).
  • Furthermore, addressing a 20 years old feature request, it is now possible to define additional (custom) colors in the document settings which will be added to the list of the aforementioned dialog. With this, there is no (text) color which you could not use now natively in LyX!
  • Tex2lyx has been improved to handle all these colors when importing LaTeX documents to LyX.
  • For the user interface, LyX now comes with a few color themes for its GUI appearance. Users can choose or customize them, or create new themes to form pleasant working environment.

7.  Text editing features

  • A new function (word-invertcase) and menu entry (Edit→Text Properties→Invert Case) to invert the casing of strings has been added. As the name implies, this inverts the casing of each in the word under cursor or selection, which is useful when one FORGOT THE cAPS lOCK KEY.
  • Input method is more integrated into LyX. It is used to input letters in languages whose number of characters exceeds the number of keyboard keys. Its style is now changed from OverTheSpot to OnTheSpot so that preedit strings do not overlap with the main text. With this integration, following features are implemented depending on the degree of the support of OS by Qt:
    • automatic on/off of the input method in the math mode, in the command mode or in input objects in dialogs
    • potential improvement in proposing conversion candidates
    • representation of preedit strings reflecting the settings of the system input method
    • better dark-mode representation
LyX 2.4: Preedit strings go over and hide the main text LyX 2.5: Preedit strings are inserted in the main text
  Insertion occurs only on screen, not in logical context
Black background and dotted underline are set by LyX The preedit style is set by the system

8.  Miscellaneous

  • Vertical paragraph spacing now accepts rubber lengths.
  • For vertical paragraph spacing with the KOMA classes, the class's own approach is now used.
  • LyX now has a function (errors-show) and a menu entry (Document→Processing Errors) to (re)open the dialog that lists compilation errors (a.k.a. "LaTeX Errors") after it has been closed, with the next error at/after cursor highlighted. This has been backported to LyX 2.4.4.
  • LyX now (again) has a function (error-next) and a menu entry (Navigate→Next Error) to quickly jump to the next compilation error. This re-introduces a feature we lost 20 years ago with LyX 1.4!. This has been backported to LyX 2.4.4.

9.  Categories

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Page last modified on 2025-03-23 12:32 UTC