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EnumitemThe enumitem.module provides customizable versions of the standard lists and the lyxlist. Since LyX 2.0, the enumitem package is supported via the enumitem module. For LyX 1.6.x, you can download enumitem.module. Put it in your LYXDIRs' layouts/ folder (e.g. ~lyx/layouts/enumitem.module ) and choose Tools>Reconfigure, then restart LyX.
To use the module in a document, choose Customizable Lists (enumitem) from Document>Settings>Modules. When the module is activated, the list environments can be controlled by entering optional arguments in a "short title" inset. To create such, place the cursor after the first list marker (which would be "1." in an enumerated list), and choose Insert>Short title. Then create an ERT, and enter e.g. Since LyX 2.1, for example, pick an Enumerate environment, and immediately after the first list marker ("1."), right click to produce the context menu and select "Custom Item." To get "a." instead of the default "1." enter in the "Custom Item" inset "a." (without the quotation marks). LyX 2.1 has no "Insert>Short Title" option. See also the enumitem-example.lyx file (its content is now part of User Guide). The enumitem LaTeX package provides variants of the standard listing environment enumerate, itemize and description. This includes support for a resumable Enumeration, like
has some explaining text inbetween
3. and is resumed with the third item.
Start your list, break it to insert some text, then start the list again using the Enumerate-Resume environment. CategoriesCategory: LaTeX packages Tips Lists |