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Using the Copernicus document class

Installing the Copernicus LaTeX package

  1. Download the file from
  2. Assuming that you have MiKTeX installed, extract this file to C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\tex\latex\copernicus.
  3. To let MiKTeX know that it is there, use the Start menu Programs->MiKTeX->Settings and press there "Refresh FNDB".

Installing the Copernicus article layout file to LyX

  1. Get the file copernicus.layout from
  2. Copy copernicus.layout to LyX's layout folder, e.g. to
    C:\Program Files\LyX\Resources\layouts
  3. To let LyX know the new style is there, use in LyX the menu Tools->Reconfigure, and then restart LyX.

You find a LyX template file here
uploads:/Layouts/copernicus/copernicus.lyx Before this template will compile to PDF, you need to create a file "CV-image.png" in the same folder. You also need to go to Document->DocumentSettings->Language->Encoding-> Other "Language Default (no inputenc)"

Problem: Using BibTeX is not possible in version 2.3 of the copernicus package due to a bug in copernicus.

Partial Solution: If you go to Tools->Preferences->Language Settings and remove the Babel language package you can then use BibTeX..

Layouts Example

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Page last modified on 2014-03-19 13:42 UTC