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HistoryPlease categorize this page. << | Page list | >>The history of LyXThis first description of the history of LyX was taken from LyX's wikipedia entry: Wikipedia:LyX
LyX's nameFrom Lyx Developer News n:o 10 as answered in a mail by Matthias Ettrich: As a special 10th issue of LDN treat I asked Matthias Ettrich, founder of LyX and KDE, a few questions. One of them was about the origin of LyX's name.
LyX was supposed to be a program to write "beautiful documents", just like poems are beautiful texts. And it was an X11 application, so it needed an X in there. So I ended up with LyriX (after lots of thinking ;).
The name was changed, when I learned about a commercial wordprocessor from SCO that was using the same name. The idea to simply strip the name down to LyX came from David Johnson. It fit very well with the filenames: those I called *.lyx in good-old DOS fashion from the very beginning (I had to use an MS-DOS floppy disk at this time to transport LyX and LyX-Files from the university computers to my home).
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