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How to use LyX for articles in Journals of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH).

Table of contents (hide)

  1.   1.  Description
  2.   2.  Installation (Windows)
  3.   3.  Installation (MacOS)
  4.   4.  Template

1.  Description

The Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques provides instructions and a LaTeX-package for articles.

2.  Installation (Windows)

  1. Download this archive file:
  2. Assuming that you are using MiKTeX, create a subfolder named acm in MiKTeX's latex package folder, e.g.
    C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\tex\latex\acm
    and extract the archive file there.
  3. Create a subfolder named acm in MiKTeX's BibTeX style folder, e.g.
    C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\bibtex\bst\acm
    and extract there the file acmsiggraph.bst from the archive.
  4. To make the new files visible for MiKTeX, use the Start menu Programs->MiKTeX->Settings and press there "Refresh FNDB".
  5. In LyX use the menu Tools->Reconfigure, and then restart LyX.

3.  Installation (MacOS)

  1. Download this archive file:
  2. To add additional style files to TeX create the directory "texmf" inside your personal Library folder in your home directory, and put additional files in subdirectories of this folder. For instance, LaTeX will find any file in ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex
  3. In LyX use the menu Tools->Reconfigure, and then restart LyX.

4.  Template

LyX includes the template file ACM-siggraph.lyx.

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