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This page points to user-provided modules, i.e., modular extensions to arbitrary document classes.

To use the modules, just copy the respective *.module files to the layouts folder of your user directory (if the folder doesn't exist yet, create it) and then reconfigure LyX (Tools→Reconfigure). After a restart of LyX, the new modules can be selected in Document→Settings→Modules.

It is suggested that contributors take credit/accept blame. Unless noted otherwise, contributors can be contacted either through the user or developer mailing lists.

1.  Extending LyX's functionality

1.1  Producing annotations and comments

  • Comments printing: Typeset comment notes in LyX. When used with notes-mutate lfun, it can be used even for normal LyX notes. printcomments.module. For inclusion into trunk savsf=1 issue needs to be fixed, but I don't know how, see this thread.

1.2  Bibliography, index and friends

  • Index of Names for Memoir: This module defines an additional Index of Names for the Memoir class which does not work with LyX's splitidx-based multi-index support. See this page for details. uploads:/Modules/ (contributed by Jürgen Spitzmüller)
→Note that this module will get obsolete with LyX 2.5 (which will support for multiple indices with memoir through its normal interface).
→Note that this module got obsolete with LyX 2.0 (which includes native support for multiple indices).

1.3  Footnotes, floats, graphics, tables, etc.

→LyX 2.2 includes a GraphicBoxes module which includes \scalebox support.
  • Boxed float: Adds a float with a frame. See this thread for more information and some tweaking possibilities. boxedfloat.module (contributed by Jürgen Spitzmüller)
  • Marginnote: Adds support for the \marginnote command from the marginnote package. This command solves some known problems of LaTeX's own \marginpar command, which is used by LyX for marginals. For instance, \marginnote can be used in floats and footnotes. Requires LyX >= 2.1. marginnote.module (contributed by Jürgen Spitzmüller)
  • Landscape: Implements a simple custom inset allowing to insert landscape pages in documents. Uses the pdflscape package. landscape.module
→Note that this module will be included in LyX as of v. 2.4.

1.4  Boxes with logos, admonition blocks, and other notices

  • Colourful boxes with logos: Implements a simple custom inset allowing to insert colourful boxes with logos. Uses the bclogo package. See this ticket for more information and the relevant files. (contributed by Georger Araújo)
  • Awesome boxes: Implements a simple custom inset allowing to insert admonition blocks with FontAwesome icons around text to inform or alert readers about something particular. Uses the awesomebox package. See this ticket for more information and the relevant files. (contributed by Georger Araújo)

1.5  Markup and Quoting

  • Soul: Implements some functionality from the Soul package (emphasis environments for highlighting, and striking through and spacing letters). uploads:/Modules/soul.module
  • CS Quotes: The csquotes package provides support for "context-sensitive" quotation marks that automatically adapt to the style of the given language (or a style defined globally for the document), handle nesting (inner vs. outer quotation marks) etc. It also provides quotation environments that automatically display as a separate paragraph or inline (depending on the length, which is settable), display quotation marks and quotation source as predefined globally, and semantic markup for ellipses, author insertion and correction to quotations. The main aim of this is that all the appearance of quotations can be tweaked globally for a given document. The module provides comprehensive support. Requires LyX >= 2.3. csquotes.module LyX example document (contributed by Jürgen Spitzmüller)

1.6  Spreadsheet capabilities

  • spreadtab: The Latex spreadtab package provides spreadsheet-like capabilities for Latex tables. The spreadtab module enables these tables to be built in LyX using the table toolbar and right-click menu. With instant preview on, tables so built are evaluated before one's eyes in LyX. The module and an explanatory LyX document, including a timesheet, can be found in a zipped archive here. Both module and document now assume LyX from the 2.1 series or later. (contributed by Andrew Parsloe)

1.7  Integration with Sage via SageTeX

1.8  Program listings

  • pseudolst: The pseudolst module lets users employ pseudocode in a program listing inset. It defines a particular "dialect" of pseudocode (essentially, a list of keywords and delimiters for comments), but the dialect is easily adjusted by editing the module file. Suggestions for additional keywords, or other changes, can be made on the repository issue tracker. (contributed by Paul A. Rubin)

2.  Extensions to document classes

2.1  Article document class

2.2  Beamer presentation class

  • Resumable Enumeration: Since Beamer is incompatible with the enumitem package, this module implements a working solution for resumable enumerations (i.e., enumerated lists that are continued after some non-list text or on another slide). Just use the Enumerate-Resume style instead of Enumerate where you want to continue the numbering from a previous enumeration. beamer-resenumerate.module (contributed by Jürgen Spitzmüller)
    Note that this module requires LyX 2.3.0 at least. For older LyX versions, use this module with the same functionality but without proper counter representation in the LyX work area.
  • Spotlight Highlighting: This module provides a text style inset that offers spotlight-style highlighting of text snippets (more salient than Beamer's own alert highlighting). The form and color of the spot can be modified globally or per token (see the spot package manual for details). The module uses the spot package. Requires LyX >= 2.1. beamerspot.module (contributed by Jürgen Spitzmüller)
  • Object positioning: This module provides a custom inset that allows to position text or graphic at an absolute position (from the upper left corner) on a beamer slide. It uses the textpos package (see the textpos package manual for details). Requires LyX >= 2.1. textpos.module (contributed by Jürgen Spitzmüller)
  • Incremental lists: This module adds four new environments to Beamer: itemized and enumerated lists, with and without alerting, that specify incremental overlays (each item on a new overlay). The alerted versions alert the item only the overlay where it first appears. (Beamer veterans: these incorporate the <+-> and <+-|alert@+> overlay specifications.) uploads:/Modules/beamer/beamer-incremented-lists.module (contributed by Paul A. Rubin)
  • Beamer Fragile Frames: This module allows to include Sweave output or simple verbatim environments in Beamer presentations, using only native LyX functionality and without the need to use any raw LaTeX code. It provides this functionality via custom insets. Please check the attached template for instructions on using the module in Beamer presentations (see #7273 for more info). uploads:/Modules/beamer/beamer-fragile.module (contributed by Liviu Andronic)
→Note that this module got obsolete with LyX 2.1 (which includes native fragile frame support).
  • Overlay Align: Allow for the align/align* environments to display lines frame-by-frame: overlay-align.module (contributed by Udi Fogiel)

3.  Cosmetics

  • Display short names on screen for 'verbose' insets: Inserting a label so that a reference can be made to it elsewhere in the document may result in distractingly long inset names like 'cha:This is the first chapter'. The short-inset-name module provides custom insets to wrap around both label and (cross-)reference insets so that they display only 'lab' and 'ref' when closed. Shortcut keys and corresponding command sequences are also provided to make this an easily accessible process. The module and brief explanatory document are available in a zipped file at Short inset names (contributed by Andrew Parsloe)
  • Informal paragraph indenting and spacing The module allows both indented and extra-spaced raggedright paragraphs, suitable for informal letters to friends or family. Suitable for wide text body and narrow margins. (contributed by Andrew Parsloe)
  • Left-aligned headings: Typesets the headings (chapters, sections) ragged-right instead of justified in the LyX view. This does not affect the output, just the appearance in the LyX work area. uploads:/Modules/leftheadings.module (contributed by Jürgen Spitzmüller)

4.  For the record: Modules (now) shipped with LyX

4.1  Producing annotations and comments

  • PDF annotations: This module provides support for the pdfcomment package.
    →This module is included in LyX 2.2.3 and newer. LyX also provides in its Help menu a documentation how to use it.
  • TODO-Notes: These modules provide support for the todonotes package. Please refer to the todonotes manual for details.
    • Simple todonotes module: Provides an inset TODO that adds a nifty TODO note to the output file: uploads:/Modules/todonotes.module (contributed by Jürgen Spitzmüller)
    • Extended todonotes module (todonotes-alternate): Extension to above module with green notes rather than default orange, inline notes and missing figure: uploads:/Modules/todonotesalternate.module (contributed by Stephen)
    • Todonotes module for LyX 2.1: merge and extension of the above two modules. Requires LyX >= 2.1: todonotes.module (contributed by Jürgen Spitzmüller on the basis of Stephen's contribution)
      →This module is included in LyX 2.2.0 and newer.
  • FiXme: This module provides support for the FiXme package. It provides a variety of insets by which comments having different "levels" can be added to a document, optionally highlighting the text that is being commented on. Additionally, it can generate a list of all the comments in your document. See the FiXme manual for more details -- there are several possible configuration options.
    • fixme.module for LyX =< 2.0.x (contributed by Mark Edgington)
    • fixme.module for LyX >= 2.1.0 (contributed by Mark Edgington, extended by Jürgen Spitzmüller)
      →This module is included in LyX 2.2.0 and newer.
  • Printing change bars: With change tracking and "Show Changes in Output" enabled, this module will add vertical bars in the margin of the output file where changes occur. It requires the LaTeX changebar package and (as of LyX 2.1.4) works only with DVI, PDF (pdflatex), PDF (ps2pdf) and Postscript output. Download the changebars.module file here or from the Git repository, where you will also find an issue tracker. (contributed by Paul A. Rubin)
    →This module is included in LyX 2.2.0 and newer.

4.2  Lists

  • enumitem: provides variants of the standard listing environment enumerate, itemize and description. This includes support for a resumable Enumeration. For a more detailed description, see enumitem.
    →This module is included in LyX 2.0.0 and newer.

4.3  Theorem-related Modules

(Contributor: Paul A. Rubin)

  • Bold face v. italics (bug fix): The four files here correct a small bug that can cause the words Theorem, Lemma etc. to appear in italics rather than bold face under certain circumstances. uploads:/Modules/theorems_1_6_3/
    →These fixes are included in LyX 1.6.4 and newer.
  • Consecutive numbering within type: The seven files here provide additional modules that allow you to number theorem-like environments consecutively within type, so that theorems, lemmas, propositions etc. each have their own separate sequence of numbers. There are standard, within section and within chapter versions. uploads:/Modules/theorems_1_6_3/
    →These modules are included in LyX 1.6.5 and newer.
  • Nesting case environments: As of version 2.0, nesting a case environment within another case environment will typically result in incorrect numbering of some items. Unzipping either the fix for LyX 1.6 or the fix for LyX 2.0 in your ~/.lyx/layouts directory and reconfiguring LyX should fix the problem.
  • Improved labels: In LyX 2.0.x (at least through 2.0.6), labels inserted in "standard" theorem-like environments have labels with an intuitive prefix (e.g., "lem" for lemmas), but labels inserted in many extended environments either have no prefix or an unintuitive one (e.g., "thm" for an assumption). Also, the Question and Question* environments exist in the AMS extended variant but not in the AMS extended number-by-type variant. This patch fixes both those problems. svnwiki:pkgs/

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