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Useful tools

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  • Emacs' diff-mode was very useful for selectively applying parts of the .diff-files
  • Emacs' ediff-mode was very useful for comparing the result of applying Herbert's and Juergen's patches.
  • Emacs tags functions, i.e. first go to a build directory and do make TAGS, then do visit-tags-table in Emacs, giving a TAGS-file as an argument. Now it is possible to do for instance find-tag (M-.), where you enter the name of a function and the corresponding source is shown.
    Note: This didn't work when I loaded a top-level TAGS-file, presumably because the tag database is way to big (searching for the tag doesn't finish when I did find-tag in this case). The solution is to load a TAGS database a bit further down in the source hiearchy.
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Page last modified on 2006-04-11 08:58 UTC