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Tips for writing pages to this site

It produces a link to the search results of looking for docbook.
  • If you find good posts on the users' list or the devel list, you don't necessarily have to copy the information to the wiki page. It's trivial to refer to them like this:
or to a thread (starting with a specific post):
or to the entire thread:

I'd like to write something like a HOWTO about LyX and DocBook, any suggestions?

I've found it useful to start by simply gathering related links about the topic — if nothing else, they're useful during writing about it and you quickly want to check something.

Then you need to find a suitable page to add the links the wiki. First try and search for the relevant terms and see if there isn't already a page (albeit it might be almost empty). Searching for docbook, this seems to be the place on the wiki for that:

In case you don't find a page, you can always ask for a tip on where to add it on the LyX Documentation list.

Now, if you want to add text about using docbook with lyx, I suggest you put them on a page with this name (it doesn't exist yet, but clicking on the link you'll be able to create the page and start to edit it)

To help others find your page, you should add a link to it from this page:

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Page last modified on 2005-08-07 12:35 UTC