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<< | Page list | >> Site overviewThis page gives an overview of the LyX wiki site.
Group categoriesNeeds rewrite or to be deleted Every page of this wiki belongs to a WikiGroup. To simplify navigation, the groups are partitioned into categories and they are listed in the section Group categories in the Sidebar?. The current category is indicated by the symbol '
examples, etc.
is organized, how to edit pages, upload attachments etc.
mainly for the developers. Page trailsUsually there is a WikiTrail at the top of each page (e.g. << | PageList | >> ). The left and the right links move you to the previous and next page in the list respectively, and the middle link moves you to the page that defines the trail. Groups about LyX
See the corresponding LyX/GroupMap for a detailed overview of these groups. Groups about this siteSee the corresponding Site/GroupMap for a detailed overview of these groups. Groups about the development of LyXSee the corresponding Devel/GroupMap for a detailed overview of these groups. |